Sunday, February 10, 2008


So I've broken down and finally decided to create one of these blog things. 

I decided I'm only going to write about interesting things, which of course is the object of any blog, except this is going to be totally true for me. Because I always read blogs about what kind of sandwich people ate that day and how it took them forever to do their laundry, and I'm left to muse how shitty of a life they must have, and furthermore how shitty my own life must be that I waste my time reading about other people's mundane daily activities. So if I ever write a blog including anything about what I ate (excluding stories about me eating things and throwing them up later, because those are always good stories, and no I'm not talking about bulimia) or how difficult it was to pick out my clothes for the day, promptly punch me in the stomach. 

Anyway, I had a fish taco for dinner and did my laundry today. Check back later. 

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