Monday, February 11, 2008

Gothic/emo/scene/whatever people and hypocrisy

So why is it that people try to be all "individual" simply by looking different. Clearly, as we all know, the way to be different is TOTALLY based on how you look. I'm unique, original, dark and brooding - you can tell because of the innumerable chains hanging from my pants. I always laugh when people always talk about how "you all look the same"...look in a mirror. You and all of your "gothic" friends look the same. You're just conforming to a different stereotype.

Get the fuck over yourselves. When you break it down, all those "unique" and "original" clothes were designed, marketed, and selected specifically for YOU by the same corporate drones who put out all the Hollister shit long before you found them in Hot Topic. Which leads to another point - your individuality is the same pre-packaged shit that comes out of the same pre-packaged mall as everybody else's. The Hot Topic you bought your shit from is a whopping 75 feet from the American Eagle. So cut all the shit about "the Man" when you're supporting "the establishment" just as much as everybody else, whether you realize it or not. Because any way you slice it, you're still a dumbass for paying $75 for a pair of fucking pants.

Listening to Marilyn Manson/Panic! At the Disco/HIM/Slipknot does not mean you have a unique taste in music. Fuckin' newsflash, people: all these bands have sold millions upon millions of copies. Congratulations, you've joined the exclusive club of about 5 million people, not to mention the untold millions more who just downloaded all the shit illegally and are therefore not counted in the number of people actually having paid for the music.

Now I understand that some of you just like to look a certain way or whatever - fuckin sweet. Right on. But don't try to act like you're any more unique or original than anybody else because of something so shallow as your appearance. Seriously, trying to convince somebody that what you wear somehow makes you any different just makes you look like a giant bag of douche.

Thus ends my observations on how most people regardless of wardrobe are stupid and shallow.

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