Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Am I the only person that finds it ironic that the same people who spend millions of dollars each year on anti-abortion campaigns also argue vehemently against governmental healthcare for children? I mean, we've got the highest infant mortality rate of any modernized country in the world. And lower than a lot of industrializing countries as well. I mean, we're lower than Cuba and Latvia. 

I just find it interesting that you can be SO enthusiastic about keeping a baby through to term, but when it's time to feed, clothe, and nourish that child, you're out the fucking door. I understand the argument against universal healthcare, but I cannot and never will understand the argument about denying healthcare to children. The parents have the ability to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps" or whatever (never understood that metaphor, by the way, because I have no boots with straps on them nor can somebody actually pull themselves up by straps in the first place) but a child cannot be held accountable for their parents' incompetence. 

People always seem to make the connection that if we have universal healthcare we're automatically a socialist state, as if a single governmental service constitutes socialism. Newsflash: we have plenty of socialized services. Education, water, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, police departments, fire departments, the list goes on and on. People will in turn come back and say "well those aren't sustainable services in the private sector, you can't make a profit." What's more accurate is that those services aren't sustainable if you want to extend them to everybody, like they should be, and like healthcare should be. Obviously we have private schools, private security firms, private insurance, et cetera, which are ALL profitable when you only extend them to a certain sector of an economy. However, these are all services that everybody deserves, and everybody deserves healthcare as well. That's why the government offers those services to all people, and that's why the government should offer healthcare to all people. 

What's also interesting to note is that states with the highest conservative rates and the highest rates of evangelicals nearly uniformly have the highest teen pregnancy rates, the highest divorce rates, and the highest domestic abuse rates. So much for "family values". Massachusetts is the only state with full same-sex marriage, and also has the lowest divorce rate in the entire country. Damn queers, ruining marriage for everybody. 

Every child has a right to life, but let 'em fend for themselves when they're born. If the newborn doesn't like it, they can get off their lazy asses and go get health insurance. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your gay